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All About Sex is a series of fact sheets for people with intellectual disability and the people who support them. The fact sheets are easy to read and include illustrations to help people with intellectual disability learn about sexuality and relationships. The fact sheets cover a range of topics including bodies, relationships, sex, pregnancy and reproduction, sexual health and sexual assault.

Some people with intellectual disability will be able to read the fact sheets independently while others will need the support of a family member, teacher, support worker or advocate. The fact sheets have been designed to make it easier for support people to have conversations and provide information about sexuality and relationships.

The All About Sex factsheets are available for download for free. Click on the links below to download your copy.

All About Sex contains explicit language and illustrations for the purpose of teaching people with intellectual disability.

Fact Sheets

Each fact sheet is available in PDF and Word format. Please note, the Word versions are text only and don't include any illustrations.

  1. Introduction to All About Sex. Download PDF or Word
  2. A woman’s body. Download PDF or Word
  3. A man’s body. Download PDF or Word
  4. Private and public. Download PDF or Word
  5. Puberty. Download PDF or Word
  6. Periods. Download PDF or Word
  7. Masturbation. Download PDF or Word
  8. Relationships. Download PDF or Word
  9. Having sex.  Download PDF or Word
  10. Safe sex and sexually transmissible infections. Download PDF or Word
  11. Contraception. Download PDF or Word
  12. Planning Pregnancy and Pregnancy Choices. Download PDF
  13. Pregnancy and birth. Download PDF or Word
  14. Menopause. Download PDF or Word
  15. Sexual assault. Download PDF or Word
  16. Private body parts - keeping them healthy. Download PDF or Word
  17. Lesbian. Download PDF
  18. Gay. Download PDF
  19. Bisexual. Download PDF
  20. Transgender. Downlad PDF
  21. Intersex. Download PDF
  22. Seeing a sex worker. Download PDF
  23. HIV. Download PDF
  24. Pornography. Download PDF
  25. Online dating PDF
  26. Resources. Download PDF or Word
  27. Where to go for help or advice. Download PDF or Word
  28. Notes for family members, teachers and disability workers. Download PDF or Word
Health promotion resource?: 
Last Reviewed Date: 
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
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