We know that reproductive and sexual health can sometimes be difficult to talk about.

We believe it is incredibly important for each of us to know and understand all parts of our bodies, how to look after ourselves and how to stay safe.

The health promotion team at Family Planning Australia are available to visit your school or service (or have you over to one of our clinics), to talk about a range of related topics with groups.

Our staff are skilled in delivering information about these sensitive topics in a way that promotes safety and comfort for the participants. Our team are experts in delivering sessions to people from culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, people with disability, and young people (under 30 years).


We deliver a variety of topics and are able to adapt our content to meet the needs of specific groups. See below for a list of some of the topics we cover:

  • Cervical and breast screening
  • Contraception and family planning
  • Fertility
  • Health literacy and accessing health services
  • Healthy relationships and consent
  • Life Ready Program for Schools (contraception, sexual health and consent)
  • Menopause
  • Pleasure in sex
  • Pornography, sexting and media
  • Puberty and menstruation
  • Sexual health and staying safe
  • STIs, safe sex and contraception
  • Topics for parents:
    • Talking about sex and relationships with your teenagers
    • Talking about puberty with your children
    • Talking about puberty, sexuality and relationships with people with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder

COVID Safety

We have updated our in-person activities and created interactive online sessions to enable delivery of the same important content in a more accessible way. Our education sessions can be delivered as COVID-safe in-person sessions or online.

Contact us!

If you are interested in finding out more, or organising an information session for your group, please do not hesitate to contact us via the details below
Phone: 1300 372 372
To register you interest in a Family Planning Australia community education session, please complete an online registration form.