Participant Charter

All participants in Family Planning Australia's courses and programs have a right to:

  • Receive high quality education and training that is recognised in their respective field
  • Be treated with respect and dignity
  • Learn in an accessible and safe environment free from danger, abuse or harassment
  • Receive recognition of their particular needs and circumstances including, ethnic background, cultural and religious practices
  • Receive clear and accurate information about the course they are undertaking, including cost, entry requirements, scheduling and assessment requirements
  • Have access to their own records on request
  • Have their privacy and confidentiality maintained at all times
  • Give feedback on services provided
  • Be informed about and have access to the Family Planning Australia complaints process

All participants also have a responsibility to:

  • Respect the rights and opinions of others
  • Promote an effective learning environment by engaging proactively in learning activities
  • Use language and engage in behaviours that are inclusive of diversity, including cultural and religious diversity, sexual and gender diversity and disability
  • Comply with the terms and conditions for their course, as specified during registration
  • Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of fellow participants, and practice patients (where applicable)
  • Be punctual for classes, appointments and adhere to the due dates set for submission of education/assessment work
  • Promptly advise the course administrator of any change in circumstance which impacts on attendance in classes or appointments
  • Respect the workplace in which training is held, which includes observing all non-smoking restrictions
  • Be aware of and promote the safety of themselves and others, and follow all reasonable instructions from Family Planning Australia staff.
  • Seek approval from authorised Family Planning Australia staff for the use of any Family Planning Australia equipment, assets, stationery, etc
  • Be responsible for their own possessions
  • Meet the required dress standards designated for particular programs.

Principles of Education and Training Delivery

To meet its commitment to design and deliver training of a high standard Family Planning Australia will:

  • Provide current and future participants transparent, accurate and accessible information on Family Planning Australia services, including promotional materials, policies and procedures, course requirements and fee structures.
  • Ensure all education and training delivered meets the standards of the relevant regulatory body
  • Maintain privacy and confidentiality when collecting, and/or storing participant information
  • Actively consult with stakeholders, including current and former participants, relevant industry and training bodies, and employers
  • Welcome feedback from all stakeholders, and deal with complaints in an equitable, fair and unbiased manner
  • Ensure all training developed follow standard approved protocols, including all learning materials and assessment tasks
  • Engage staff who have current industry knowledge and experience in delivering education, as well as relevant qualifications
  • Ensure that all education staff undertake regular professional development
  • Comply with the terms and conditions that participants have agreed to during registration
  • Monitor and systematically evaluate all education and training on a regular basis
  • Ensure equitable access to all educational services
  • Comply with Work, Health and Safety regulations

In developing and delivering education and training, Family Planning Australia staff have a responsibility to:

  • Respect the rights and opinions of others
  • Use language and engage in behaviours that are inclusive of diversity, including cultural and religious diversity, sexual and gender diversity and disability
  • Support participants to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes as set out in the course outcomes.
  • Take into account participants' previous knowledge and experience, and their particular needs and circumstances including, ethnic background, cultural and religious practices in planning and delivering education
  • Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of participants and practice patients (where applicable)
  • Assist participants to learn from assessment tasks by providing them with timely and constructive feedback
  • Learn from, and improve their work practices based on, participants' and other stakeholders' feedback
  • Continuously maintain and develop their skills as educators
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant Family Planning Australia policies and standards set out by the relevant regulatory body