The Family Planning Australia Ethics Committee considers the ethical implications of research proposals involving human subjects that are conducted under the auspices of Family Planning Australia or utilise Family Planning Australia facilities.

In special circumstances, the Ethics Committee may also review research proposals in the sexual and reproductive health field for researchers not aligned with Family Planning Australia, by arrangement.

Ethical review involves a critical examination of research proposals to ensure the rights and wellbeing of participants are protected and that processes are fair and equitable. Every research proposal must comply with standards as outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018; download or read online) which focusses on:

  • balancing benefits and risks
  • requirements of informed consent
  • ethical considerations specific to particular research methods
  • ethical considerations specific to participants, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, children, pregnant women, people in dependent relations, people with cognitive impairment, intellectual disability or mental illness
  • research governance and review processes.

The Family Planning Australia Ethics Committee is constituted in accordance with the National Statement. Both the members and the chair are volunteers, who undertake tasks that can be quite time consuming and involved.

The Ethics Committee is supported by the Ethics Executive Officer, a staff member of Family Planning Australia. The Ethics Committee can be contacted at

Learn more about the Family Planning Australia Ethics Committee:

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