Supporting Decision Making in Sexuality For People With Intellectual Disability

Supported decision making is a model for supporting people with intellectual disability to make their own decisions with support from others.  However, in the area of sexuality and relationships, many people with intellectual disability are still denied the ability to make their own decisions. They are often over-protected and not allowed to have life experiences that include taking risks, which are part of human development.

All About Sex

All About Sex is a series of fact sheets for people with intellectual disability and the people who support them. The fact sheets are easy to read and include illustrations to help people with intellectual disability learn about sexuality and relationships. 

Sex Safe and Fun

Sex Safe and Fun is a resource to support people with intellectual disability to learn about safe sex messages. It provides a factual and balanced view of the rights and responsibilities associated with a range of sexual activities. There are key messages about consent, enjoyment, intimacy, privacy and safety.