MEDIA RELEASE - Sexuality and Relationship forum for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability of all ages

Family Planning NSW is hosting a forum for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability of all ages to address sexuality issues across the lifespan including childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The forum will include presentations and workshops on disability and sexuality, preparing for puberty, relationships and dating and tips for talking about sex and answering tricky questions.

Sexuality and Relationship forum for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability of all ages


October 2016

Sexuality and Relationships forum for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability of all ages

Family Planning NSW is hosting a forum for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability of all ages to address sexuality issues across the lifespan including childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The forum will include presentations and workshops on disability and sexuality, preparing for puberty, relationships and dating and tips for talking about sex and answering tricky questions.
