Using social stories to talk about screening

Cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening can be awkward and embarrassing topics to talk about. To facilitate your conversation about screening with people with intellectual disability you support, we have developed three social stories that accurately represent the screening process.

Social stories are pictorial stories that depict real life situations and people. They can be used to discuss various aspects of life skills, to teach social skills and used to motivate a person to be independent and look after themselves. Social stories can be used to start a conversation and provide accurate information about the cancer screening process.

Some people with intellectual disability may need assistance to read these stories, while others may choose to read them independently. Either way, you should make yourself available to provide support as required.

Download the social story booklets here

Betty's story

Betty has a Cervical Screening Test

The booklet has some hard words. You can find the meaning of these words here


Lisa's story

Lisa has a Mammogram

The booklet has some hard words. You can find the meaning of these words here


Bob's story

Bob has a Bowel Screening Test

The booklet has some hard words. You can find the meaning of these words here

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