Group photo

Just Checking is a project funded by Cancer Institute NSW to help promote the uptake of cervical, breast and bowel screening amongst people with intellectual disability.

From the beginning of the project, people with intellectual disability have been at the heart of decision making in this project. Their participation has been vital in producing the wonderful range of resources you see on this website. We would especially like to thank the following people:

  • From NSW Council for Intellectual Disability: Robert, Erica, Fiona, Stephen, Margaret and Andrea
  • From Waverley Community Living Program: Sophia, Sam, Tarmika, Rachelle, Colin, Kathryn, Gerard, Jessica, Dina, Nancy, Rosada and Ralf

This project was undertaken with the assistance of a steering committee comprised of the following organisations:

  • Australian Primary Health Care Nurse Association
  • Agency for Clinical Innovation
  • Cancer Institute NSW
  • National Disability Practitioners
  • National Disability Services
  • NSW Council for Intellectual Disability
  • Waverley Community Living Program

Family Planning NSW would like to thank these organisations for their participation and support.

We're also delivering training to clinicians, parents and carers on their role in supporting people with intellectual disability to access cancer screening.

For more information about training for clinicians, go to

For more information on training for parents and carers, go to