
A clinical study looking at the effects of four treatments on prolonged or frequent bleeding in women using Implanon.


A study to determine the safety and acceptability of vaginal gel formulation PC-503 among low risk, abstinent women.


An online survey about Oral Sex conducted of young people aged 16-25.


A longitudinal study comparing the reasons for choice and experiences with use of a progestogen-only subdermal implant, a progestogen-releasing intrauterine system and a progestogen injection for contraception in a Family Planning setting


A prospective randomised study of two vaginal preparations on vaginal atrophy, sexual function and well being in post menopausal women


A detailed analysis of menstrual blood loss in women using Norplant and Nestorone progestogen-only contraceptive implants or vaginal rings


A study for women who want to "skip their periods."


A multi-centre, 12 month study of a long acting low-dose contraceptive vaginal ring with a new progestogen looking at efficacy and acceptability
