Family Planning NSW (FPNSW) is working with existing bilingual community educators (BCEs) in South Western and Western Sydney to develop a training manual and a suite of culturally appropriate education and community resources around changes to the National Cervical Screening Program. Female BCEs will be trained as part of the project to facilitate and deliver culturally tailored, updated information to women from refugee communities, specifically Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Myanmar. An evaluation will be undertaken to determine the effectiveness of the training provided to the BCEs.

Refugee women from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Myanmar will be invited to community education sessions, where the trained BCEs will provide updates on the cervical screening renewal. An evaluation will be undertaken to determine the effectiveness of these community education sessions.

This research project has been approved by:

Family Planning NSW Ethics Committee (R2017-02)

South Western Sydney Local Health District Ethics Committee (HE18/021)


Family Planning NSW is the project lead agency working in partnership with NSW Refugee Health Service, South Western Sydney Local Health District and Western Sydney Local Health District Bilingual Community Educator (BCE) programs.

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Research status: 
Content Owner: 
Future review date: 
Saturday, 11 January 2020