Your take home guide to: The Cervical Screening Test

When life gets busy, it's not always easy to find time to take care of ourselves.

By getting regular Cervical Screening Tests, cervical cancer becomes one of Australia's most preventable cancers.

What is the Cervical Screening Test?

The Cervical Screening Test is a simple test that looks for human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus which can cause abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix. If left untreated, these cell changes can eventually cause cervical cancer.

Know Your Health - For Professionals

Know Your Health - Cervical Screening

Cervical Screening Test Videos

There is a new test in Australia, called a Cervical Screening Test.

The Cervical Screening Test looks for HPV in the cervix. The Cervical Screening Test replaced the Pap test. Women will have a Cervical Screening Test instead of a Pap test.

Women aged between 25 and 74 who have ever had sexual contact should have the test.

These videos are about the Cervical Screening Test. They include information on cervical cancer and changes to cervical screening.

Project Evaluation: Capacity building of bilingual community educators to deliver cervical screening updates to refugee women in South Western and Western Sydney Local Health Districts

Family Planning NSW (FPNSW) is working with existing bilingual community educators (BCEs) in South Western and Western Sydney to develop a training manual and a suite of culturally appropriate education and community resources around changes to the National Cervical Screening Program. Female BCEs will be trained as part of the project to facilitate and deliver culturally tailored, updated information to women from refugee communities, specifically Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Myanmar. An evaluation will be undertaken to determine the effectiveness of the training provided to the BCEs.

Know Your Health: Cervical Screening Test

What is cervical cancer?

Our bodies are made up of millions of cells.

New cells grow every day.

Sometimes when cells grow differently they can turn into cancer.

Cervical cancer is cancer in the cervix.

The cervix is inside the body at the top of the vagina.

What causes cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus. Human papillomavirus is sometimes called HPV.

There are many types of HPV. Women and men can get HPV. HPV is very common. Anyone who has ever had sexual contact could have HPV.

Meaningful inclusion of trans and gender diverse populations in cervical cancer screening: A pilot study

Family Planning NSW is involved in a pilot study led by UNSW Sydney investigating expert perspectives on the structural drivers and barriers to promoting inclusion and diversity in cervical screening services, particularly for trans and gender diverse people who have a cervix.

Cervical Screening Renewal – Clinician Attitudes and Practices following Implementation in NSW

Since the renewal of the National Cervical Screening Program in December 2017 no formal evaluation has been undertaken of attitudes or practices of cervical screening clinicians following implementation.

In order for the renewed program to be a success, it will be important for clinicians to adopt the changes and incorporate the updated guidelines into their practice.
