Yarning About Pregnancy OptionsThis booklet is for people who have an unintended pregnancy and are unsure about what to do. You may have heard some people in your community call this an ‘unplanned’ pregnancy.

This booklet:

  • provides you with information about all of your options
  • gives you an idea of what issues to think about
  • lets you know where you can get support
  • gives you useful tools to help with your decision

How will I know I am pregnant?

Signs of pregnancy can include missing a period, feeling dizzy and tired, feeling sick or vomiting and having sore or larger breasts.

Not all pregnant people experience these signs and symptoms. It is different for everyone. The best way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or see your doctor.

Pregnancy tests

A pregnancy test can be used to confirm that you are pregnant.

You can buy a pregnancy test from a pharmacy or supermarket. The test will involve urinating on the test stick or catching your urine in a small cup.

You can also get a pregnancy test done at a Family Planning NSW clinic, an Aboriginal Medical Service, GP (general  practitioner) or women’s health centre. This may sometimes involve a blood test.

The  sooner  you  find  out  for  sure,  the  more  time  you  have  to  think  about your options.

Pregnancy options

It is important that you take the time you need to make a decision. Your decision will depend on a range of things including your personal circumstances, the support available to you from your family and community and how many weeks pregnant you are.

What are my options?

  • Continuing the pregnancy – choosing to parent
  • Continuing the pregnancy – adoption or foster care
  • Terminating the pregnancy – abortion

Having a yarn with someone can be helpful when thinking  about your decision but it can sometimes be difficult to talk to someone close to you. If you need to yarn with someone, Family Planning NSW Talkline or NSW Pregnancy Choices Helpline are available.

Both Talkline and the Helpline provide free and confidential advice and are staffed by experts in pregnancy and reproductive and sexual health.

For more information

Family Planning NSW Talkline - www.fpnsw.org.au/talkline or 1300 658 886

NSW Pregnancy Choices Helpline - www.pregnancychoices.org.au or 1800 008 463

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Last Reviewed Date: 
Monday, 26 February 2018
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Future review date: 
Tuesday, 26 March 2019