Yarning about Sexuality

This course builds the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers to provide reproductive and sexual health information to clients and community members.  Topics covered include values and attitudes, reproductive and sexual health rights, men’s and women’s business, contraception, STIs and strategies for working with the community. It comprises a 2 day workshop and participants may also undertake a workplace based assessment to complete a nationally recognised unit of competency.  

Reconciliation Action Plan

This page details the Family Planning NSW vision for reconciliation, a link to our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, article and pictures detailing the launch of our RAP, and a video detailing the organisation's history of our work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

Yarning About Pregnancy Options

This resource was designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who have an unplanned pregnancy and are unsure of what to do. This culturally safe booklet uses a friendly conversational style and includes information about the options available, issues to consider, where to go for support and tools to assist decision-making.

Other Locations

Family Planning Australia conducts outreach clinics through partnerships with a range of NSW organisations across the state. The current outreach clinic locations are Blacktown, Cobar, Campbelltown and Nyngan.

What's New

Aboriginal Contraception kit

The Aboriginal contraception is a teaching resource designed for Aboriginal Health Workers. The artwork was created by an Aboriginal artist to incorporate images that reflect Aboriginal culture.

The kit contains samples of the variety of contraceptives available, information about contraception and resources that Aboriginal Health Workers can use to provide fun and interactive information session to Aboriginal youth.

Community Education

The health promotion team at Family Planning Australia are available to visit your school or service (or have you over to one of our clinics), to talk about a range of related topics with groups.

Our staff are skilled in delivering information about these sensitive topics in a way that promotes safety and comfort for the participants. Our team are experts in delivering sessions to people from culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, people with disability, and young people (under 30 years).