Equity of access to information and services is at the heart of our work with people with disability.

Family Planning NSW recognises the need to promote and protect the reproductive and sexual health and rights of people with disability. We advocate for people with disability to have equity of access to reproductive and sexual health services.

We know people with disability often face barriers to accessing information and services. We provide education and training for disability workers, family members and carers and our clinics are a safe place for people with disability to talk about intimate and sometimes difficult issues.

We produce innovative ‘easy to read’ resources to support our education activities and we have an extensive Disability Resource Collection available from the Family Planning NSW Health Promotion Team and Shop.

To contact the Disability Team:

Phone: (02) 8752 4300

Email: healthpromotion@fpnsw.org.au

Disability Awards - winner

Our parents forum won a 2017 NSW Disability Innovation Award in the category 'Innovation in improving outcomes for children and young people'. 

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Just checking - is a resource for disability workers.Just Checking