Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Yarning about Sexuality

This course builds the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers to provide reproductive and sexual health information to clients and community members.  Topics covered include values and attitudes, reproductive and sexual health rights, men’s and women’s business, contraception, STIs and strategies for working with the community. It comprises a 2 day workshop and participants may also undertake a workplace based assessment to complete a nationally recognised unit of competency.  

Aboriginal Reproductive Health: A Collaborative Approach to Understanding and Improvement

This study, led by the University of Newcastle, was undertaken to investigate the reproductive health service gaps and needs of the Walgett community, to contribute an evidence base for improved reproductive health outcomes.

The study was conducted in collaboration with Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service Limited, Walgett Dharriwaa Elders Group, and the wider Walgett community.

Optimising cervical cancer prevention amongst Aboriginal women in rural and remote New South Wales: A pilot study

Family Planning NSW, with Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service, is implementing a pilot study which aims to address the relatively high cervical cancer incidence and mortality amongst Aboriginal women, through utilising a combined screening approach with same-day treatment (if indicated and requested). A ‘same-day’ approach may benefit women who may otherwise be lost to follow up.

An evaluation is being undertaken by the University of Newcastle to explore the acceptability of this approach for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women and the relevant health workforce.

Reconciliation Action Plan

This page details the Family Planning NSW vision for reconciliation, a link to our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, article and pictures detailing the launch of our RAP, and a video detailing the organisation's history of our work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

Strong Family Project (evaluation)

Aboriginal youth in Australia often experience high rates of family violence and poorer reproductive and sexual health than their non-Aboriginal counterparts. To address some of the disparities, the Strong Family Program was developed to deliver reproductive and sexual health education to Aboriginal communities in New South Wales. An evaluation was conducted to measure reproductive and sexual health knowledge and attitude changes upon program completion.


Poche Centre for Indigenous Health

Education and training

Yarning about Sexuality - 2 day workshop

Yarning about Sexuality is a two day face-to-face, non-clinical professional education course which aims to build the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs) to provide RSH information to clients and community members.
