This course aims to build the capacity of educators of year 7-12 students to address issues arising around the use of technology as it relates to sexuality and relationships. Specifically, the course addresses respectful relationships and how they translate to an online space, pornography, sexting and the safe use of dating apps. 

Teaching about consent is a central element of the course. Discussions will cover best practice approaches towards education about these topics and focusing on the health and safety of young people.  Upon completion of the course, educators will be able to confidently identify and implement engaging learning activities in the classroom. They will also be better equipped to offer support and guidance to young people about how to access help if issues arise from their use of technology in relation to sex and relationships. 

A wide range of resources will be provided and recommended which will allow for further learning following the completion of the course. The course will be delivered over 90 minutes in our online classroom and uses interactive, engaging and informative teaching strategies, enabling participants to ask questions, reflect on practice and share ideas and resources to support their professional learning.

Who should attend?: 
  • Teachers of years 7 – 12
  • Staff in wellbeing or support roles such as school counsellors and year advisors
  • Casual teachers and pre-service teachers
  • PDHPE coordinators
  • Life Ready presenters
  • Other educators working with high school aged young people
Course Structure: 

Webinar: 1 session x 1.5 hours

This course may also be presented as a face-to-face course when delivered as a customised training request.

Eligibility / Pre-requisites: 

Educators working with students in years 7-12 or currently working towards a qualification to do so.

Participants need access to a PC or laptop with a working camera and microphone as this is an interactive course.  Phones are not recommended. 

Recognition / Accreditation: 

Participants will receive a Statement of Attendance.

Further information: 

Contact: Education Team

Phone: 1300 372 372 press 3 then 1


Terms and Condition