Do you work in a role providing services for young people?

Would you like to enhance your skills to improve the sexual health outcomes of young people?

Participants will develop their knowledge of specific areas of sexual and reproductive health and build skills to confidently and appropriately support young clients.  The course has a focus on developing knowledge and strategies to work effectively with priority populations to support their needs.

This course has been designed to build on and complement Sticky Stuff training.

Topics in each module:

We encourage everyone to complete the Core Module first to understand some essential information about aspects of reproductive and sexual health relevant to young people.  Then go on to complete the course by working through the other modules to learn about supporting the reproductive and sexual health of particular groups of young people. 

Core Module - This module covers 4 topics: 

  • Communication about reproductive and sexual health and health literacy
  • Legal and social aspects of consent
  • Sexually Transmissible Infections
  • Contraception options and considerations

Priority population modules:

  • Working with young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and asexual people
  • Working with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Working with young people with disability
  • Working with young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds 
Who should attend?: 

Workers in the youth and community services sector who work closely with young people, including youth workers, Aboriginal community workers, program coordinators and case managers.

Course Structure: 

The online course has 5 modules.  We encourage everyone to complete the Core Module first and then go on to complete the priority population modules.  

Core Module: Estimated time to complete this module is 2 hours

Priority population modules: Estimated time to complete each module is up to 45 minutes

Participants can enrol any time.  Learning is self-paced, so participants can start the course straight after enrolment. Participants have 4 weeks to complete the course online.     

The training can be completed online or as a face-to-face course – Click here for details of The Nitty Gritty face to face.

Eligibility / Pre-requisites: 

The course is best suited to people working in the youth sector or in a role contributing to the health, wellbeing and support of young people.

Recognition / Accreditation: 

Participants will receive a Statement of Completion for each module completed. 

Further information: 

Contact: Education Team

Phone: 1300 372 372 press 3 then 1


Download the terms and conditions for courses.


Course Cost: 

Courses are funded by NSW Health and will be delivered at no cost to NSW participants. 

Each module provides links to references and resources for workers and their clients.  
