Do you work with young people in a youth service or community setting?

Feeling uncomfortable or unsure speaking to young people about sexual health?

Looking for up to date information and resources for workers and clients?

Want to learn about supporting good sexual health in particular groups of young people?

Youth workers and others who work closely with young people have the potential to support them to develop positive attitudes and make informed decisions about relationships, sexuality and sexual health. This course identifies opportunities and strategies for workers to talk about sexual health with young people within their role so that they can confidently guide clients to find reliable sources of information or make referrals to relevant services.

Participants will develop or enhance their knowledge of specific areas of reproductive and sexual health affecting young people and their relationships.  The course focuses on developing inclusive and appropriate strategies to work effectively with young people, especially those groups who are at risk of poor sexual health outcomes, including young people with disability, LGBTIQ, CALD, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth.

Topics include:

  • Defining and negotiating consent
  • The low-down on STIs
  • Contraceptive options
  • Communicating with young people about reproductive and sexual health

Supporting good sexual health when working with specific groups:

  • Young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Young people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds
  • Young people with disability
  • Young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer people

This course builds on and complements ‘Sticky Stuff’ training, also supported by NSW Health. 

Who should attend?: 

Workers in the youth and community services sector who work closely with young people, including youth workers, Aboriginal community workers, program coordinators and case managers.

Upcoming Course Flyers:

Course Structure: 

The training can be completed as a face-to-face course or as an online course.

Click here for details of The Nitty Gritty online.

Eligibility / Pre-requisites: 

The course is best suited to people working in the youth sector or in a role contributing to the health, wellbeing and support of young people.

Recognition / Accreditation: 

Participants who attend the face to face course will receive a Statement of Attendance.

For the online course, participants will receive a Statement of Completion for each module completed.  

Further information: 

Contact: Education Team

Phone: 1300 372 372 press 3 then 1


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