This course provides professional development for GPs, nurses and midwives who want to update their knowledge about the provision of medical abortion in Australia, with a focus on NSW. Delivered online clinicians can complete the course in a flexible way to suit their learning needs. Topics covered include:

  • Medical abortion in Australia and legal issues 
  • Medications for medical abortion: an overview 
  • Practical considerations 
  • The consultation: assessment for medical abortion 
  • Follow up post medical abortion and contraception
  • Clinical scenarios and complications 

After completing the course clinicians will be able to establish an appropriate model of care for medical abortion in their setting and manage the medical abortion assessment consultation, medication prescription, aftercare and the complications that might arise post abortion.

Who should attend?: 

GPs, nurses and midwives working in reproductive and sexual health. 

Course Structure: 

Self-paced online learning

4 hours

Eligibility / Pre-requisites: 

Experience and knowledge in reproductive and sexual health.

It is mandatory for GPs offering medical abortion services to complete the MS-2Step  training provided by MS Health.

Participants are required to have access to a suitable device and adequate internet access.

Recognition / Accreditation: 

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Activity ID: 394449. 3 hours under Educational Activities. 1 hour under Reviewing Performance.

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This course is accredited with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Further information: 

Contact: Education Team

Phone: 1300 372 372 press 3 then 1


Terms and Conditions


Course Cost: 


Participants can download course resources.


Satisfactory completion of topic quizzes and interactive case studies.