

Increasing access to reproductive and sexual health services in Papua New Guinea


2017 to date


Papua New Guinea


  • engage with key stakeholders to perform a needs analysis to scale up reproductive and sexual health services in another province in Papua New Guinea


Women and men in Papua New Guinea (PNG) experience the poorest reproductive and sexual health outcomes in the Pacific region with high rates of cervical cancer mortality (PNG 21.7; Australia 1.6 per 100,000), maternal mortality (PNG 220; Australia 6 per 100,000) and adolescent birth rates (PNG 65; Australia 14.1 per 1,000). Women in PNG are dying at 13 times the rate of women in Australia as they don't have access to cervical cancer screening and treatment. A woman in PNG is 37 times more likely to die in childbirth than an Australian woman. 67.5% women experience physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime (UNFPA, 2016). The average fertility rate is 3.8 births per woman (WHO, 2013), with only 36% women using contraception (WHO, 2007).

Family Planning NSW has been working in the Morobe Province for 10 years, implementing capacity building programs to improve access to reproductive and sexual health services and reduce gender based violence.

With stakeholders we will review the suitability for future scale up of our programs to provide targeted capacity building and health system strengthening with the aim of increasing access to reproductive and sexual health services this may include a focus on family planning, cervical cancer screening and treatment, gender and disability.

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