
This study looked at the rate of Chlamydia infection in young women aged between 16 and 24 years of age who attend Family Planning NSW.


The aims of this study were to determine the lowest effective dose of Rectogesic ointment that relieved the symptoms associated with vulvodynia (vulvar vestibulitis syndrome) and to assess the tolerability of Rectogesic ointment use in women.


Implanon acceptability study Phase 1


A randomised study to compare the effects on women's libido of a new contraceptive pill, Qlaira®, against Microgynon®, a combined oral contraceptive pill available in Australia.


This study asked women why they choose Copper IUDs and their experiences with the IUD over a three year period, including bleeding patterns and how long women continue to use the IUD.


A randomised study to compare the effect of a new contraceptive pill, Qlaira®, to Microgynon®, on symptoms of headache and pelvic pain in the pill free period in otherwise healthy women.

