Yarning about Sexuality

This course builds the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers to provide reproductive and sexual health information to clients and community members.  Topics covered include values and attitudes, reproductive and sexual health rights, men’s and women’s business, contraception, STIs and strategies for working with the community. It comprises a 2 day workshop and participants may also undertake a workplace based assessment to complete a nationally recognised unit of competency.  

Starting the Conversation

This one day course enables community workers to increase their knowledge and confidence to talk to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities about reproductive and sexual health.  Sessions provide strategies and resources workers can use when starting conversations about reproductive and sexual health with CALD clients and community.

Other Locations

Family Planning Australia conducts outreach clinics through partnerships with a range of NSW organisations across the state. The current outreach clinic locations are Blacktown, Cobar, Campbelltown and Nyngan.