If you are a doctor (including GPs and GP registrars) who wishes to upskill in reproductive and sexual health using the latest clinical research and a flexible learning method, this course is for you.  This course is the theory only component of the FPAA National Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Doctors.  This blended learning course comprises self-paced online learning, interactive live case discussions, reflective learning, and assessment.

Content includes:

  • Contraceptive options 
  • Current guidelines for STI screening including diagnosis and management 
  • Unintended pregnancy options 
  • Working with diverse groups including adolescents and people living with disability
  • Updates on the National Cervical Screening Program 
  • Menopause  
  • Men’s health
  • Other topics in the area of reproductive and sexual health  

Clinical placements are currently not offered for this course cohort but may change as resources becomes available.

Who should attend?: 

Doctors who wish to expand their knowledge and clinical skills in a range of topics on reproductive and sexual health.

Course Structure: 

The course is offered over a five month period. It comprises self-paced online learning which includes: pre-reading, online activities, compulsory interactive live case studies sessions and viewing pre-recorded lectures.

Please note that attending the interactive live case studies is mandatory to complete this course and obtain your CPD points. If you are unable to attend, you will need to contact the education team ASAP.

Current live online compulsory interactive session times for the course

 31 July 2023 – 27 November 2023

31 July 2023 | 4:30-5:30 PM

 - Introductory Session

14 August 2023 | 4:30-6:30 PM

 - Mandatory Attendance Required

5 September 2023 | 4:30-6:30 PM

 - Mandatory Attendance Required

25 September 2023 | 4:30-6:30 PM

 - Mandatory Attendance Required

16 October 2023 | 4:30-6:30 PM

 - Mandatory Attendance Required

7 November | 4:30-6:00 PM

 - Mandatory Attendance Required

7 November | 6:00-6:30 PM

 - Q&A Recap Session


Eligibility / Pre-requisites: 
  • Current registration with the Medical Board of Australia
  • At least two years postgraduate experience is desirable.

Participants are required to have access to a suitable device with webcam, headset or speakers and microphone and adequate internet access.

Recognition / Accreditation: 

Royal Australian College of General Practitioner Accreditation for 2023-2025 triennium

Participants who successfully complete all course and assessment requirements will be issued with a Statement of Attainment.

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 Activity ID: 401286. 29 hours under Educational Activities. 23 hours under Reviewing Performance.

Family Planning NSW endorsed

This course is accredited with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Further information: 

Contact: Education Team

Phone: 1300 372 372 press 3 then 1

Email: clinicaleducation@fpnsw.org.au

Terms and Conditions


Course Cost: 


The next course will be on July 2023.


To successfully complete the theory component of the FPAA National Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Doctors course, participants are expected to complete and participate in all activities, including:

  • Completion of a predisposing activity and a reinforcing activity (RACGP requirement)
  • Completion of 16 self-paced online learning topics which include pre-reading, online activities, case studies and viewing pre-recorded lectures
  • Attendance at five interactive live case study sessions - hosted on Microsoft Teams.
  • Completing 100% of the online course work including opening all documents, watching all videos, and completing all quizzes before being eligible to undertake the written exam and role play assessment
  • Completion of a written exam, role play assessment