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The Low Down is a resource about sexual health and relationships for young people under 25 years old. The resource was developed in plain English for young people from a non-English speaking background.

This magazine style resource was written and designed in consultation with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) young people focusing on key aspects of sexual health and relationships. The Low Down provides a comprehensive overview of sexual health and relationships whilst also addressing important myths and barriers which are common amongst CALD young people.

The Low Down has 23 pages full of tailored content for CALD young people including:

  • All about relationships
  • Sex – are you ready?
  • Consent – why is it important?
  • STIs – what are they?
  • Safe sex
  • Sexual health and the facts

If you work with or in a place frequented by under 25 year olds, you will find The Low Down is a valuable resource to have at the ready. It is useful for:

  • CALD community workers
  • youth workers
  • sexual health workers
  • high school PDHPE teachers
  • health promotion workers
  • doctors and nurses
  • counsellors
  • client waiting areas
  • parents and carers

The booklet is A5 size. Suitable for: NSW, Australia.

Health promotion resource?: 
Last Reviewed Date: 
Friday, 8 November 2019
Content Owner: 
Future review date: 
Sunday, 1 November 2020